Monday, 2 June 2014

The Self ~~ Chapter-4

On 27th May, we learnt about "The Self".

After the lecturer has opened the first slide, we were asked what is the self.  The class was so noisy as we answered our own answers all together at the same time.  So, he said, "Shuu........., students!  students!"  

We all were silence  and we continued our lecture "The Self". "The Self", here means, the discussion and context of the individual and it also can be deemed as the way in which communication and interpretation of messages takes place within the individual. As simple, it is happening within individual such as talking, questioning, thinking to itself.

It exploded into 4 parts.

  • Self-Concept --- how we feel and think about ourselves (i.e our perceptions and actions, feeling and thoughts, weakness and strength and so on). It means  the image of who we are.
    There are 4 areas which included in Self-Concept. 
    • Social Comparison - we compare ourselves with the society and we change the image of ours.
    • Other's image of you - comparing ourselves with people around us such as friends, family, classmates and so on to find out how we do. 
    • Self Interpretations & evaluations - we judge ourselves with our ethical, moral, standards and beliefs
    • Cultural Teachings - our decisions and judgement are based on our own culture, beliefs and values.
  • Self-Awareness --- the ability to know our own self  through Johari Window.
Johari Window 
  • Self-Esteem --- it is a measure of how valuable we think of we are. 
    • Low self-esteem - viewing itself negatively
    • High self-esteem - opposite of low self-esteem; viewing itself positively.
  • Self-Disclosure --- telling others about our hidden self.
    It has both advantages, such as gain confidence, more trust about ourselves and have strengthen friendships, and disadvantages, such as lost of trust, pressure, burden, and regret.  

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