Monday, 28 July 2014

Chapter - 7: Interpersonal Conversation

Interpersonal communication is that one we already know which is a communication consists of more than 1 person, not talking to ourselves.

Conversation - essence of interpersonal communication
As  listening chapter does make me surprised, this conversation one also does because Conversation has the process.  I don't know the others  but I do surprised as I haven't noticed.

Based on our lecture,  there are 5 steps in Conversation Process.

  1. Opening
  2. Feedforward
  3. Business
  4. Feedback 
  5. Closing
After process of conversation,  we moved to the Principles of conversation. There are 4 principles of Conversation. 
  1. The Principle of Turn-Taking
  2. The Principle of Dialogue
  3. The Principle of Immediacy
  4. The Principle of Flexibility.

1). The Principle of Turn-Taking 
There is 2 cues: Speaker cues and Listener cues. Speaker cues have 2 points: Turn-maintaining and Turn-yielding. In Turn-maintaining, the speaker is still willing to speak his/her speech. So, he/she attracts people (listener) using non-verbal signals. In Turn-yielding, the speaker has finished his/her speech and he/she is willing to listen or want the feedback from the listener.
For Listening cues also have 2 points as speaker cues. But, in Listening cues, it is Turn-requesting and Turn-denying. Turn-requesting is the situation when the listener wants to speak; means the listener wants to ask questions. However, in Turn-denying, the listener has no questions and he/she is still willing to listen the speech. 

2). The Principle of Dialogue
Dialogue - sharing messages each other and each person is speaker and listener. (e.g. 2 friends talking about the movie)

3).  The  Principle of Immediacy
Immediacy is the closeness between the sender and listener. (e.g. She tells me who is her secret crush)

4). The Principles of Flexibility
The Flexibility  based on people who are talking, what they are talking and the situation.

 Next is ... Everyday Conversations. Small talk, excuses and apologies, complimenting and  advice are involved in Everyday Conversations.
Small Talk is for example,  I asked the officer when is  my passport submission date and what should I do before i submit and the office explained. So,  that conversation is just a short one.
Excuses and apologies 
The Excuses, are used when people are accused about something or saying something,  includes:

  1. I didn't do it : denying about accusing issues
  2. It wasn't so bad : admitting what we have done with offense
  3. yes, but .. :  admitting the fault but still defensive
The apology is an expression of regret for something we did.
Complimenting is a message of praise or congrats the others  and can be either qualified compliment, is the message is not entirely positive or unqualified compliment is totally positive.  However, while we are receiving the compliments, we have 2 options; whether we deny or accept. 

Advice is giving suggestion to others. There are 3 types of advice; explore options (focus on helping the others), expert advice (giving best advice based on  the situation and his/her knowledge) and delay decision (not the immediate one, take time to think).

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