How does it happen?
Disconfirmation - In this communication, we do not understand or do not try to understand the others situations, feelings and messages. We refuse or ignore.
Confirmation - is the opposite of disconfirmation. In this communication, we do understand the others messages and presence. We acknowledge.
Between this two communication, there is one more, is called Rejection.
Rejection - even it looks similar to disconfirmation, actually it is not the same as. In rejection, we understand the another person's messages but we do not admit about us. We refuse to admit the truth and point out the other's fault.
There are 4 areas affected by disconfirmation and confirmation.
- Racism - disconfirmation in race. (e.g. because of skin colour)
- Ageism - concerns with people's ages (e.g. hiring employee who are under 45)
- Sexism - is about gender (female and male)
- Heterosexism - attitudes, behaviors and language used to disparage gays and lesbians, language that presumes all people are heterosexual
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